Embrace the Latest Technology – Eliminate the Fear | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
If you hear that Apple is introducing a new product tomorrow, do you take the day off and run to stand in lin...
2018 – It’s Gonna Be a Good Year for Tech | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
For centuries, fortune tellers have gazed into empty glass spheres in an attempt to predict the future. It’s...
What Do We See Happening in Today’s Virtual Reality | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
There are few technologies that we will discuss during our Tech-Talk video series that excite us as much as V...
Alexa Can Help You Now… How Intelligent Personal Assistants Can Change Patients’ Lives | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
In our Tech-Talk video series we’ve been touching on voice activated tech devices and the impact they have on...
Thingee’s Tech-Talk Video Series Explores “User Interaction” Shift – Now What’s That?
Welcome to Thingee’s Tech-Talk video cast! Hopefully you’ve seen Thingee in your social media feeds, sharing...