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The Mindset of Change | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Personal technology can do a lot. It can drive cars, provide medical assistance, make our homes more efficient and even connect us on a global scale to information and entertainment. In fact, our daily lives are mostly dictated by technology so much so that we forget that we hold the power… ultimately, we are still…

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Equipping Your Sales Team for Success with iDetail | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Do you distribute large amounts of content to remote groups or sales teams? Well imagine the convenience and efficiency of delivering ALL of your latest materials instantly, up-to-date, accurate and secure, directly to your team’s’ iPads. Stop dreaming… we’re tech-talking the latest and greatest tech tool for delivering large amounts of digital content to remote…

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Can you SEE An Echo? We can… Join us and we’ll show you one | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Thanks so much for joining us on a new Tech-Talk technology journey! We’re talking Echos today. Until now you may have considered an echo to be an audible sound or (more specifically related to technology) an audible device, i.e. the Echo by Amazon. Through the Echo we communicate with Alexa our personal digital assistant, right?…

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Go Ahead, Push My Button… Amazon’s IoT Button is the Future | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

There are a lot of idioms that refer to one of the most simple yet handy creations… the button. However, did you ever consider the button as a portal of communication? Thankfully, Amazon web services did!  The Internet of Things “IoT” Button from Amazon is a simple click device that can be programmed to perform…

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How the iPad Transformed Speaker Programs… with RoundTable | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Picture this…  your presentation,  seamlessly preloaded onto your iPad and up to 7 guest iPads using iDetail’s award winning content delivery platform. Guests arrive and each receives their own iPad to connect with you throughout the presentation using easy-to-navigate gesture driven controls.  Content is focused but the quality of the conversation and impact of your…

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