Rewind to the Future… with Amazon IoT | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Cue, Thingee Tech-Talk

Every once and a while there’s a tech topic that deserves a second look – like today! So, sit back and listen in as we rewind with the Amazon IoT Button. And stay tuned … there’s more big news from Thingee coming soon about this little tech gem. There are a lot of idioms that refer to one of the…

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2018 – It’s Gonna Be a Good Year for Tech | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

For centuries, fortune tellers have gazed into empty glass spheres in an attempt to predict the future. It’s a novelty to most, but with some real data and a lot of know-how, well who knows what we could see? We’d like to give it a try and predict the tech advances we expect to see…

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Where Health and Consumer Tech Collide – CES 2018 | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

If you heard any news from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last week it was likely focused on the big and splashy… new cars, TVs, phones and computer tech unveiling. For sure this is very cool stuff, but there were also several quieter product introductions with an underlying health theme that deserve some attention too. Here…

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Making the Connection for Better Patient Care | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Welcome once again to Thingee’s Tech-Talk. We’ve had a lot of discussion about new technologies that can really make a difference in the lives of patients and people living with long-term health conditions, but today we’d like to begin connecting the different pieces into one interconnected patient-centered ecosystem. The ecosystem of patient care is linked…

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