Welcome once again to Thingee’s Tech-Talk. We’ve had a lot of discussion about new technologies that can really make a difference in the lives of patients and people living with long-term health conditions, but today we’d like to begin connecting the different pieces into one interconnected patient-centered ecosystem. The ecosystem of patient care is linked technologies, care providers and patients all working together to the benefit of the patient. It sounds good, right? But maybe it still seems far away? Not so we say! Here, take a listen:
Health Technologies are already having an impact on what we do, what we eat, how we exercise and what medications or therapies we use. Streamlining the use of each separate device into one cohesive patient-focused service is where we need to go. The Apple watch, smart phones, health apps, wearables and sensors can become coordinated and deliver life-changing information back to the user and medical practitioners monitoring patient care.
Take a moment to think of how far health technologies have come in such a short amount of time. It’s truly amazing, but each system working on its own is only a seed in the ecosystem of what could be. The Thingee team wants you and your business to be the first farmers in this new landscape. We see patient care that is truly supportive. We see doctors and staff reacting to real-time feedback and adjusting care as needed. And we see health technologies companies coming alongside both to provide medications, therapies and equipment. What can you see?
Let us know where you want to take your patient-centered therapies and we’ll help you get there!
Thanks as always for joining us. We look forward to the challenges you will bring.
Jeff Bromley
ext. 11
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