Rolling Out Tech Success | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Implementing new tech solutions and projects requires outside-the-box thinking and problem solving. After all, just because it’s tech doesn’t mean everything magically works the first time it’s tested. Like any other project implementation, your tech team needs to be creative, nimble and experienced enough to handle any technology-related adversity. The Thingee team has handled our…

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Apple Watch: Securing the Path for the Future of HealthTech | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Last month Apple introduced Apple Watch Series 3 and it got some buzz… but now that we’ve had time to unpack the real possibilities of this breakthrough technology, we believe it deserves a much bigger celebration. Join us for Tech-Talk as we explore how the Apple Watch Series 3 with LTE basically blows the door…

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How the iPad Transformed Speaker Programs… with RoundTable | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Picture this…  your presentation,  seamlessly preloaded onto your iPad and up to 7 guest iPads using iDetail’s award winning content delivery platform. Guests arrive and each receives their own iPad to connect with you throughout the presentation using easy-to-navigate gesture driven controls.  Content is focused but the quality of the conversation and impact of your…

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