Delightful Features Expected with iOS 12 | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

“iOS 12 is designed to make your iPhone and iPad experience even faster, more responsive, and more delightful.” Source: Apple Inc. So… delightful? That word jumped out at us here at Thingee, but now that we’ve gotten a chance to review the new benefits and features of iOS 12, we get it. This release does…

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2018 – It’s Gonna Be a Good Year for Tech | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

For centuries, fortune tellers have gazed into empty glass spheres in an attempt to predict the future. It’s a novelty to most, but with some real data and a lot of know-how, well who knows what we could see? We’d like to give it a try and predict the tech advances we expect to see…

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Alexa Can Help You Now… How Intelligent Personal Assistants Can Change Patients’ Lives | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

In our Tech-Talk video series we’ve been touching on voice activated tech devices and the impact they have on our lives.  This week we get a little more “personal” as we explore how voice activated intelligent devices can be used within the life science and medical arenas to help improve the lives of patients. There…

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Thingee’s Tech-Talk Video Series Explores “User Interaction” Shift – Now What’s That?
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

Welcome to Thingee’s Tech-Talk video cast! Hopefully you’ve seen Thingee in your social media feeds, sharing the latest trends and emerging technologies with our friends and connections across various industries and interests. Well now we are very excited to share these ideas a little more personally – in Tech-Talk… This week, we discuss the latest…

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