To Do Lists
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Organize Your Things with Things | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

You’ve got things to do, but what should you start first, what will it take to get it done, and what important dates do you need to remember? Sounds like you need Things. No, we’re not being redundant… you need the personal task manager, Things. Here’s Tech-Talk with more…   Things App is a personal…

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Tackling Team Tasks with Trello | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
  • Posted by: thingee1
  • Category: Thingee Tech-Talk

We’re digging even deeper into Thingee’s stack of productivity tools for today’s Tech-Talk. Join us as we explore Trello – one of our favorite real-time, project management collaboration apps. It’s great for keeping track of projects and to-do lists for home or office. Here, take a listen. Trello does more than just manage your to-do…

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