Innovative, Measurable Tech Ideas for 2020 Planning | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
Do you have some “tech-sized” holes in your 2020 planning? Let the Thingee team fill them up with innovative and measurable solutions that deliver results. Schedule your one-on-one brainstorming session with the Thingee team today! You bring the objectives; we’ll bring the tech and together we’ll get those results. Here’s Jeff with all you need to know to schedule a tech education roadshow for you and your team.
Schedule Your Tech Education Roadshow Today!
One quick call sets up time with the Thingee team to hone in on just the tech solution that’ll provide the results you’re seeking with the budget you’ve got.
- Cue IoT Solutions
- Amazon Alexa Skills
- iDetail Content Delivery App
How about a customized IoT solution to enhance customer relationships, or a loyalty program at the push of a button, or even sales training support from Amazon’s Alexa… the sky’s the limit on new ideas and applications.
2020 is coming! So, schedule your one-on-one brainstorming session with the Thingee team today and let’s get to work.
Thanks for tuning in, we look forward to working with you.
Jeff Bromley
ext. 11
Tech-Talk brings you the latest tech advances to put you ahead of the curve. Look for future Tech-Talk posts, subscribe to our email list, and give Thingee a call to discuss how this new tech can help achieve your goals. One way to ensure you won’t miss any of our Talk-Talk video casts is to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Video Transcript
- 00:00
- Hey everybody Jeff Bromley here from
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- Thingee and welcome back to Tech-Talk
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- where we talk about all things digital
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- that’s right the leaves are starting to
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- fall the seasons are changing and that
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- means it’s time for 2020 planning
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- before you know what the new year will
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- be upon us and it would be time to start
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- thinking about implementing those new
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- digital projects that you’ve been asked
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- to come up with are you looking to try
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- something new next year think about an
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- IoT solution or maybe an Amazon Alexa
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- Skill maybe you want a brainstorm about
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- the best solution based on your 2020
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- objectives whether you’re
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- an agency or a direct client everyone
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- needs new ideas to keep up with the
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- latest technology trends and an expert
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- like Thingee to help make the right
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- decision
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- Thingee’s technology education roadshow
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- is in full swing and the calendar is
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- booking up fast so do me a favor either
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- send me a message or reach out via
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- or LinkedIn or however you
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- get in touch with me to get a roadshow
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- scheduled for you and your team so for
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- this episode of Tech-Talk I’m Jeff
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- Bromley thanks for watching