Cue Setup by Thingee Now Available on the App Store | Thingee’s Tech-Talk
As Jeff notes in the Tech-Talk video, Thingee’s Cue product line makes use of the IoT platform for distributing LTE, WiFi, and virtual IoT buttons. The buttons are programmed to initiate a single activity, like placing an order, sending a notification or requesting a visit.
We weren’t fooling around when we warned that Cue Setup App was coming soon… It’s Here! It is now (right now) available for download on the App Store. Just to refresh your memory, here’s Jeff with a quick Tech-Talk recap on all the benefits of Cue & Cue Setup for you and your sales team.
Watch Jeff’s Tech-Talk!
Download Cue Setup –

However, with the new Cue Setup App we’ve gone from easy Cue button set up to ridiculously convenient and simple… yeah that’s a thing. And why shouldn’t set up and maintenance on the simplest sales tool be simple, right? That’s certainly been our approach to the whole product, to remove barriers of communication between your sales professionals and their best clients and open up the flow of information and support.
The Cue Setup App allows your team to configure new buttons right from their cell phones or iPads as well as make edits to existing client buttons. Once the button is set up, the reps can hand them right over to the client and the lines of communication are open. How you choose to use the buttons is completely up to you. The Thingee team will customize the button function to be in line with your sales team goals.
We know you want to see Cue in action, so just give us a call. And, if your team has Cue buttons already in use, go ahead and download the app, click on “Need Help” and we’ll provide support to get the app connected to your existing Cue buttons. Simple, that’s the goal.
Thanks for allowing us to share this exciting news! We look forward to hearing from you.
Jeff Bromley
ext. 11
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Video Transcript:
00:00 Hey everybody welcome back to Tech-Talk
00:02 where we talk about all things digital.
00:03 I’m Jeff Bromley and today we’re going
00:05 to be talking about our customer service
00:08 platform called Cue. Cue is available to be
00:11 able to provision and set up whether it
00:13 be LTE buttons or Wi-Fi buttons for you
00:16 and your clients so that way they can
00:18 notify you at the press of a button for
00:20 whatever their customer service needs
00:22 will be and this flips the customer
00:24 service paradigm for them asking you for
00:26 help to you being able to service them
00:29 at the press of a button so you know
00:31 that they need help now the onus is on
00:33 the brand or on the company to be able
00:34 to service them the way that you want to
00:36 be able to service them so it’s this is
00:38 a huge platform for anybody that has
00:40 clients and customers which every
00:42 business does so the other thing to note
00:44 about Cue is we’ve actually released this
00:46 and this is approved and it’s actually
00:47 available in the Apple App Store the
00:49 setup app is available for the iPhone
00:51 and the iPad so if you’ve got one of
00:53 these I highly suggest downloading it
00:55 and click on the need help but and it
00:57 will notify me and we get you guys
00:59 actually set up with a Cue environment as
01:02 well as help you guys to get some cue
01:04 buttons purchased so they come in a
01:06 couple of different flavors and
01:07 varieties they come in a Wi-Fi button
01:09 they come in an LTE button as well as
01:12 AT&T; is about to release the second
01:15 generation of LTE buttons these have
01:17 some a little bit smaller form factor a
01:19 little bit different design and some new
01:21 features which I’ll tell you about when
01:22 the timing is right so for now I highly
01:25 suggest going to get and download this
01:27 new app for you and we’ll get you guys
01:29 all set up and I’m super excited I think
01:32 everybody that that downloads this and
01:34 uses it will start to see the value of
01:35 what you can do with Cue and the LTE
01:38 buttons from AT&T; for this episode of
01:40 Tech-Talk I’m Jeff Bromley thanks for
01:42 watching.