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Apple’s newest phone to be unveiled September 9th

John Paczkowski of Re/code has reported that Apple will unveil the newest iPhone on September 9th. John has reported the correct dates of past Apple product launches so this date will be set for every Apple fan worldwide.

Kudos to Apple on doing such a great job with their previous devices. We’re sure this one will be even better and we’re excited to see what new and interesting apps we will be able to create with this new hardware.

The newest iPhone is widely expected to have a 4.7 inch screen, bigger than the latest version, the 5S which has a 4 inch screen. Some reports have even speculated that this phone will sell an even larger 5.5 inch model, similar to phones that already exist in the Android market.

The increase of size is largely due to the Samsung Galaxy Note, which featured a 5.5 inch screen and gained momentum in the mobile world terming phones of that size, “phablets”.

What do you think of the latest developments? Excited to have a bigger iPhone? Ready to see apps in a whole new way? Contact to talk more on the latest from Apple.